$3,055,000 Donated, to Date
The original idea for a collective giving group in WA was conceived in 2011 over a glass of wine (or two) shared by our a couple of our original committee members. Soon afterwards, the Impact100 model was was introduced by James Boyd following his research sabbatical to the US. Our slightly adapted version, Impact100 WA, was launched in May 2012. It was the first international chapter of the American concept which is now active in over 50 US chapters.
In 13 years, Impact100 WA has been proud to reach some amazing milestones as well as inspire 7 other groups to setup new Impact100s in Australia and other giving circles.
Check out our booklet
It outlines many of the stories and achievements as well as displaying the fabulous photos that help to tell it all:
Milestones Since Launch in May 2012
- Launched at Government House in May 2012 with GivingWest and the Governor of Western Australia
- Impact100 WA has granted $3,055,000 since May 2012
- There are now 8 active Impact100 groups in Australia: WA, Freo, Melbourne, South Australia, Sydney North, Sydney as well as Tasmania and other new collaborative giving circles (modelled on Impact100 but with different name)
- By the end of 2021 these new collective giving groups had distributed over $5 million in public donations as grant money
- In 2015 Impact100 WA gave their first multiple $100,000 grants with $230,000 being given away
- We were most grateful to have Nicola Forrest AO proudly serving as our patron from 2015 – 2024, supporting our mission to empower local communities through collective philanthropy.
- Since 2021 we have been able to give away THREE grants of $100,000 each year
- Local charities Manna Inc, edventures, Homeless Healthcare (formerly known as Mobile GP) EON Foundation, Kalparrin, Sensorium Theatre, Huntingtons WA, CARAD, Dress for Success, Dandjoo Darbalung, Dismantle, Earbus Foundation of WA, Zonta House Refuge Association, Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services, Midlas, Arts Law, Cycling Without Age, FIN WA, Motivation Foundation, Fair Game Australia, Trillion Trees, 12 Buckets, Midlas, Great Southern Community Legal Centre (previously Albany CLC), Gosnells Community Legal Centre, Lionheart Camp for Kids and Orana House have been the recipients of the Impact100 WA Primary Grants to date
- Over 200 charities have been provided the opportunity to pitch their projects to new potential donors
- The extended benefits of connecting donors to charities include additional donations (totalling more than $1.7m that we are aware of) made by Impact100 donors after being introduced to a charity, offers of pro-bono support and volunteer hours
- Twelve community education events have been hosted:
- An Evening with Andrew Forrest at UWA in June 2013,
- Colleen Willoughby from the Women’s Washington Foundation in collaboration with BankWest in August 2013 with ‘The Power of Collaborative Giving’ tour
- Janet Holmes à Court in August 2014
- Tonya & Malcolm McCusker (ex Governor of WA) in May 2015
- Kerry Harmanis in August 2016
- Nicola Forrest in August 2017
- Gerard Neesham in June 2018
- Charlie Bass at the Centre for Entrepreneurial Research and Innovation (CERI) in August 2018
- George Jones in August 2019
- Annie and Caitlin Fogarty in November 2020
- Dr Bruce Robinson in September 2021
- Prof Fiona Woods in August 2022
- Prof Lynn Beazley in August 2023
- Dr Craig Challen SC OAM in August 2024
- In April 2014 Impact100 WA launched YoungImpact100 for children of donors aged 6-18
- In total, to date, $38,000 has been raised through all sorts of fundraising activities by an average of around 25 kids each year.
- Grants have been made to
- The Foyer on Oxford who provide accommodation for young homeless people from 12-25
- CanTeen Australia who work with young people living with cancer
- TADWA (Technology Assisting Disability WA) whose Freedom Wheels program modifies standard pushbikes to enable those with disabilities to ride a bike
- Esther Foundation – Catergirls for catering equipment to enable hands-on training the girls in their care
- Green World Revolution to create Fields of Flowers in empty lots in the cbd of Perth
- Shared between Darling Range Wildlife Services and Kiind (previously Kalparrin)
- between Eat Up Australia and Special Olympics WA
- To Trillion Trees to plant more life-giving, climate-change-fighting, wonderful native trees!
- Shared between Circus WA and Food Ladder
- To Lionheart Camp for Kids who provide grief counselling to children, their families and their schools
- In 2018 they re-branded to YoungImpact
- In 2022 they raised a record-breaking $6200 which went to Trillion Trees
We think there’s plenty to celebrate here and if you’d like to join us in continuing to reach our grant giving goals continue then click here to donate.
Impact Review 2012 – 2016
In 2017 we were proud to produce our first publication.
Find out all about what the first 5 years were like for us, our donors and our Primary Grant winners – it makes for inspiring reading.